Max - Hitchhiking from Japan to South Korea
Becca - Collecting shells along the Californian coastline
Joel - Showing Colombian children how our drone works
Maximillian White
Currently convincing people to risk their lives for adventure, Max worked in an office for IBM for several years until he found his passion for roughing it in the great outdoors. He is massively into health and fitness but will still sleep on the roof of a car as it's "way easier than setting up a tent!"
Rebecca Marsh
Creative Director/Videographer
Becca is a former Art and Design Teacher as well as being an active artist. She has a passion for learning and exploring new cultures. Many times the Global Convoy has been saved by her ability to draw and colour in shapes. We are eternally grateful!
Joel Chevaillier
General Manager/Conceptual Director
A professional athlete (as far as Uzbekistan is concerned), keen photographer and student mechanic. Traveling the world through good conversation and good beer, Joel grew up in California and is locked in the never ending struggle between the mountains and the ocean. He has a fabulous fashion sense and is the loudest person you will ever meet in your entire life.
“Years from now, when academics intone about the DIY backlash to a modern society drowning in tech, then the Global Convoy will be cited. In too many travel theatres, long trips of many months are too often described as being only for the older person, retired and solvent and keen to be seen to have all the correct ‘equipment’. The kids from Global Convoy are the new broom and they shovel in rosy-cheeked youthful enthusiasm at its best. No money, no gadgets, no fear — these are the kids your parents warned you about!”
Awards & Accolades
A collection of some the achievements and awards we’ve been given which, if we’re honest, we’re pretty damn proud of!
But it’s not all about us…

It’s about everyone.
So Thankyou!
You might start to notice that across our social media there’s just as many pictures of us in large groups as there are just the 3 of us.
The point of the Global Convoy is to connect people and help them explore as much of the world, and themselves, as possible. We work extremely hard to keep the Convoy moving, but it wouldn’t ever be at all possible without all the fantastic support and love we receive from folks on our trips, back home and all over the world.
Everything you see here is because we’ve worked for it AND been blessed to have met some truly awesome, awe-inspiring people along the way.
We do our absolute best to credit everyone as we go, but if you see a picture/article/video you like or even just a cool story we tell involving our friends and want to know more about it, please get in touch. It’s an awesome feeling to connect an artist with someone who appreciates their work!
How does it feel to join the convoy?
“They were late, questionably sane, chaotically organised and driving cars that were already having issues: but most importantly, they were all the friendliest bunch of people abounding with character it was impossible to not have a good time along the road. And I’m not just saying that, either – even at our absolute worst times on the Convoy we all managed to keep it together, have a laugh and enjoy ourselves (or afterwards, at least).
These first impressions are important, because I think this is the convoy at its core. A rag-tag bunch of happy-go-lucky, functionally-dysfuntional characters that all share a feeling of wonder and curiosity of the world. A jigsaw puzzle of a family, where all the pieces are from different puzzles but somehow all fit together.”