So in a nutshell…
Multi-Award Winning
It turns out we aren’t too bad at making videos.
After driving around the world in a £75 car that we saved from the scrap heap, we did our best to show the story that changed our lives. In the hope that it would help others and change their lives.
A couple years on, and a ton of positive feedback later, we’re being asked to speak about this crazy adventure and teach people the method hidden in the madness so that they can tell their stories too.
Everyone’s Invited
We’re proud to admit that we’ve helped 100’s of people around the world… And just as proud to admit how many have helped us in return!
We’ve had tons of people from all sorts of backgrounds, all different ages and from all over the world join us, whether it was for a day or a year! We’ve learnt from them and they’ve learnt from us. And that’s the point.
Ever So Slightly Entertaining
Whether it’s our less than serious Facebook announcements, Digital Nomad Unicorn podcast series or just Joel hosting ‘Mystery Meat Hour’ as we traversed Siberia: Every now and then we’re mildly amusing… apparently.
Good news as one of our goals is to educate and inspire without boring people to death.
Off The Beaten Path
There’s already plenty of blogs and photos of the Eiffel Tower. There’s nothing wrong with this but rather than adding to an already saturated collection we’re working to expose the rarer and more unique parts of the world. And of course, bring a few lucky folks with us!
Actually Accessible
Whether you have $50 or $500, we want to craft adventures that practically anyone can get involved with.
We’re here to run adventures that don't cost a life's savings. Adventures that test you and force you to grow. Do you have a year spare? No! Of course you don't! So let's create adventures where people can come and go as they please! And most importantly, let's show every slip, stumble, struggle and awkward fart in an elevator along the way!
Never Too Serious
Three friends with a passion for helping people, having fun and seeing the world. NOT some high and mighty explorers who you should suck up to.
You’ll notice its rarely just the three of us too. That’s because the Convoy isn’t about just one person but rather to get everyone involved and working together to meet and see the world. Preferably with a funky hat on their head and a ‘cold one’ in their hand!